THFA. An acronym. Look, I’m a Compliance Consultant. Impenetrable acronyms are my bread and butter. It stands for “Too Hot for Admin.”
Not that I’m complaining. Summer was behind schedule and we were all missing our constant complaints about the heat. Complaints have resumed. It’s toasty - as it seems to be everywhere. I’m still carrying my clubs on the golf course - and we are now at three litre rounds. That is to say, I make sure I’m hydrated before I start, then, as I go round, I drink six half litre bottles of water. Finished, I get straight into another half litre. Whilst this endurance marching is good for my fitness, it does mean afternoons are pretty quiet on golf days. A nap is very much required.
A hard life, eh? What with the hot weather, golf, jobby-job stuff, a tight MBA deadline and all sorts of admin - I’ve not written a word for a couple of weeks. I know, you’ve missed me.
The tattoo has settled nicely. At the beginning of the year, I had an old design on my left shoulder. A clan emblem. Then, I had some stoic exhortations on the inside of the forearm.

Delighted with myself, I went searching for some stoic imagery for the left shoulder / upper arm. Ivo, a splendid artist, took a few designs that I had found, discovered a means to cover up the old emblem and got to work. Six and a half hours over two sessions and the second piece was complete.

I love them. How clients will feel, remains to be seen. As yet, I have no ink that couldn’t be covered with a long sleeve shirt, but frankly, I’ll doubt I bother. If someone is put off by a tattoo, I imagine they’ll find my forthrightness troublesome too. “Not a good fit” as they say.
I’ve been watching the slow motion self-destruct of the Conservative Party with increasing contempt. Enough is enough. I have little confidence that the Labour Party will be any better, but they can’t be worse. I’m inclined to believe now that the United Kingdom may not outlast me, which would have seemed incredible ten years ago.
Pah! A pox on the lot of them.