I’m Stuart Lennon.

Here, I explore how to survive, even prosper, in this mad world. Thanks for coming by.


Get a Grip

What’s wrong with the UK is the European Convention on Human Rights. Yep. That’s it. Mitterand, Adenhauer, and that wishy-washy woke Churchill. They’re to blame for everything. I mean, you win one war, and everybody lionises you.

Pup Update

Having told you about the attack on Charlie, I want to keep you updated. The wee fellow is in good form. Fingers crossed, he got off lightly. I'll take him back to the vet on Friday for a check-up.

History doesn’t repeat, but it rhymes

Six years ago, give or take a couple of weeks, Nero, our gorgeous Schnauzer, was mauled in an attack by a dog that had been allowed to roam free out of control. He didn’t make it, and my wife has never wholly recovered. Today, Charlie, Spice, and I were

Hacking away

“We determined on 14 August 2024 that your personal data was obtained by the unauthorised third party, which included your name and your postal address, email address, driver's license, credit card number and expiration date, date of birth, and phone number.”

Back from Basel

We meandered down from the Minster in the Old Town, crossing the Rhine on a sturdy bridge. The sun glittered on the fast-flowing river: a bucolic scene. My heart stuttered as I saw a head bobbing along in the current. Had someone fallen in?

Bumbling about Basel

It’s a Swiss club in France, where everybody speaks German.

Analog by Ugmonk

Ugmonk is “a design studio in Downingtown, PA, creating and curating products that combine form and function”, founded by Jeff Sheldon. The website describes Analog as “the easiest way to get things done. Analog is a physical tool that helps you focus on your most important work.” But what is

Being a Pest in Buda

My wife asks - “what if we go somewhere formal?” “We don’t get in,” I reply.
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