
Sean 1

Sean 1. The dull working title of my debut novel

Pancakes and Burgers

“I said something wrong? Tits is the right word, no?” She cupped her breasts to emphasise the point. Sean thought that Tony’s eyeballs might actually pop out onto the table.


The corner room was palatial, with windows on two sides, one looking onto Pařížská and the other to the river, the Vltava. The hotel was built in the brutalist style, and some floors were being refurbished, but this, the ninth and highest was brand new.

Sean III: Back Safe

Good grief. The spectre of sobriety. Enough to drive a fellow to drink.” He spoke to the waitress in rapid Hungarian. “Take a seat, lets have a look at the menu. The pizzas are great, as are the salads. Pasta is always a bit rich here.

Sean III: The Meeting

“Let’s keep things simple. We keep Budapest. You keep Prague.” “Ha!” Akhmad was not impressed. “You’re nothing in Prague. Your proposal is to ask us to surrender Budapest in return for what we already have.“

Sean III: The Chechens

Sean turned up his collar and stepped out of the car, closing the door quietly. The car moved off instantly. “That will be a no, then…” Sean thought. He pulled his coat tighter, shivering. Snow had begun to fall. “Dark, snowing, a secret meeting and you in a trench coat too.”

Sean III: Sergei

“If the cavalry are needed, then you’re already dead.” The Russian was unemotional.

Sean III.

He put the kettle on, noticing the slight tremor in his hand. It might be his plan, but sitting down with the Chechens was a daunting prospect. Maybe he’d have tea too.

Sean II. Plotting

“And in return, we let him go?” “No. We make him think we’re letting him go.” She thought for a moment. “Not exactly cricket, John.” “No. Strictly business.” His tone was flat. She’d not realised he was so dispassionate, ruthless even. “Very well. How do we do that?”
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