

7. Camino II: Los Arcos to Logroño

A palatable glass of wine to while away the hour or two before the flight. I had forgotten how badly a business class lounge regards a man in hiking gear and a baseball cap. I fear the monocle is not winning them over.”

6. Los Arcos

Famed, because it’s a fountain of free wine. Seriously. It is. The theory is that the pilgrim fills their scallop shell, and sips appreciatively.

On camino - 2016

20km into a day, hot, weary and thirsty, the sound of a bicycle bell behind can elicit violence from the most passive of pilgrims.

4. Puente la Reina

The residents of Pamplona were, quite sensibly, in bed. There was very little traffic. All the more shocking then, that the only two cars on the road contrived to collide spectacularly.

2. Zubiri

His foot connected squarely with a German’s field mug, sending it soaring over three cubicles, until it landed and bounced, an impromptu wake up bell for the few pilgrims not already up.


Something new for members. In 2016, I began the Camino Francés, a five hundred mile pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela. The plan was to split the trek into five annual walking holidays. On camino, each day is a chapter and you dear members, will read them first.

Members 98.

The next generation is ALWAYS going to be much better. Apple would not be the behemoth it is, unless people believed that the “next one” is better.

Members 97. Mini, but not an iPhone

Egged on by the 1857 Slack, I ordered a new M1 Mac-mini last night. If you don’t follow Apple, the M1 is the new in-house chip. Effectively bringing all the technological innovation of the iPhone/iPad to the Mac.
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