Notes on notes

I’d written a post on the race to be the next Prime Minister of the UK, but frankly, I lost interest. I just can’t be bothered.

Sean III: The Meeting

“Let’s keep things simple. We keep Budapest. You keep Prague.” “Ha!” Akhmad was not impressed. “You’re nothing in Prague. Your proposal is to ask us to surrender Budapest in return for what we already have.“


For decades now, money has become entirely detached from central bank reserves. This has proved really useful, for bank bail outs, pandemics and the like. “Financial crisis? Not at all. We just invented some trillions here and there.“

Sean III: The Chechens

Sean turned up his collar and stepped out of the car, closing the door quietly. The car moved off instantly. “That will be a no, then…” Sean thought. He pulled his coat tighter, shivering. Snow had begun to fall. “Dark, snowing, a secret meeting and you in a trench coat too.”

Sovereignty of the Individual

No working on Sunday? What - even the poor people? Who’ll make brunch? Or park the car? Masturbat… look. What business is this of yours? A sin you you say? Well you can go forth and multiply, my friend. If a chap fancies a hand shandy, that’s between him and his laundry-wallah.

Sean III: Sergei

“If the cavalry are needed, then you’re already dead.” The Russian was unemotional.

Living the Dream. Legless

Two things that will get me to the Doctor are the smell of my own flesh rotting, and sheet lightning pain, so off I went on Monday.

Writer’s Block

For the sake of completeness, it was a game of cricket between New Zealand and England that lasted a full five days, and involved slips in the slips, pulls, hooks, drives and cuts and a fair amount of short legs and silly mid-offs.
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