The Secret to Becoming a Better Writer

See! All of this perusing the internet is not a complete waste of time. I stumbled upon a site all about blogging in particular and writing in general. Brian Clark – has very kindly made the image above available.

So the secret is out. He has even made a pdf available should you wish to produce your own poster. Really.

A Writer writes.

My project is going well. I have taken to heart the advice above. My focus is on getting words on paper (or at least into the computer). I am resisting the temptation to do too much editing at this stage.

The logic being that there is always plenty of time to edit – but you cannot edit what is not there. It is difficult to argue with that.

My target is to rattle off 500 words per working day as a minimum.

So far, I have managed 5,000 words in the first five days, but I am realistic enough to realise that things are likely to get harder after the first flush of enthusiasm.

Several hours today were spent on this site. I had chosen a theme where the focus was on everything except the posts – and it is the posts that this should be all about. So, I installed a new theme.

I was feeling quite smug, until my wife asked me why I was bombarding Facebook with nonsensical posts.

My apologies to everyone on Facebook and Twitter that I hit with my avalanche. This post is on purpose – but those this afternoon were not. Whoops.

What am I looking for? I am looking for YOU. Yes, you there. I am new to this. Both to writing and to blogging.

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Comment on the posts – got some advice? Let me hear it. I have a lot to learn.