T is for 'The Wrong Kind of Clouds'

It’s Saturday. One week until the end of the A to Z Challenge.

Today I am writing about ‘The Wrong Kind of Clouds’, the best ever debut novel written by Amanda Fleet, my writing buddy. You can order a copy here, and even get a discount.

I haven’t read it. Amanda had this one in the bag before I turned up. I have ‘met’ a couple of the characters. They turn up in a novella that Amanda is planning to let people have for free.

The protagonist, Summer is someone I would like to spend some time with; tough, but good fun, I think. She also has a medical condition that I had never heard of; synasthesia. Broadly, any emotion Summer feels is ‘in colour’. Mad. But great.

I’m looking forward to the release, I have pre-ordered a paperback version.

Obviously, when ‘clouds’  sells well and Amanda topples J.K. Rowling, I’ll claim all the credit.

‘She’d be nobody without me, you know.’

Go and pre-order one. If you are an e-book person, sign up to her website and get notified the moment the novel is available in your preferred format.

Remember, you heard it here first.

‘The Wrong Kind of Clouds’.