P is for Procrastination

Of late, writing for me has been 1% production and 99% procrastination.

In fairness, I believe that a large % of most endeavours is spent on activities that have little, or at best, only a tangential bearing on the aim of the endeavour.

Take E-mail for example. Those of us who have worked as office employees at some point in the last twenty years have spent inordinate amounts of time on e-mail.

I have spent a lot of time thinking about this. (Procrastinating perhaps?)

With hindsight, I believe that all e-mail is procrastination. Not some of it, not even most of it, all of it.

You may not believe me, and I am sure that you are right. I am often wrong about these things.

As you are believer in e-mail – please sign up to this site – and I’ll send you the odd e-mail to keep you in the loop.

Forgive me, I have digressed. I am a champion procrastinator. I have multiple methods.

Self-Improvement is one. (Books, Apps, Courses.) Applications. Ways of automating processes that I don’t even do, is another. To-do lists. Facebook. Buying stationery, changing wallets, oh I could go on for ever.

As I write this post, I am in a new daily routine. Essentially, I remain digital-free until after lunch. So far, it has been a huge success. But then it is only day 2.

How do you procrastinate?