Novel Challenge? Bring it on.

I am taking on the NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) challenge to produce a 50,000 word first draft in November.

As a warm up, I am completing a draft for Novel number 1 in October.

If all goes to plan then at the end of November, I will have two novels in draft form.

At the time of writing, the word count on Novel number 1 stands at 40,701.

As you may gather, I am feeling ever so slightly pleased with myself.

All right, I am feeling very smug and unbearably cocky.

This, of course, is a harbinger of impending doom.

But I am ready for whatever challenge is coming my way.

It turns out, that writing lots of words can actually be quite easy.

The trick is to banish one’s internal editor to the naughty step. He is not allowed back in my head until the two drafts are completed.

It is incredibly liberating to just let the words flow with scant regard for quality.

In effect, I am probably writing drivel.

I daresay that the editing will be quite a challenge when the time comes, but I have a secret weapon.

My own personal “Editing Jedi” who is teaching me the ways of The Force.

It’s more of the ‘Red Pen’ than The Force, but it’s equally powerful and well worth a look if you are learning to write effectively.