K is for Kindness

Kindness. It is underrated.

I seldom hear talk of kindness, yet it is the greatest virtue.

We all have an inbuilt ability to be kind.

It costs us nothing, requires little or no effort but it can be astonishingly powerful.

I am not writing about the great and grand gesture, but about the tiny everyday things, the small actions that truly make the world a better place.

Kindness is a rare beast, in that it is as beneficial for the donor as for the recipient.

I do not wish to cheapen the virtue, but being kind to somebody is its own reward. It feels good.

Kindness might be a word, it might be an action. Telling somebody that they look good, popping by to say ‘Hello’ – little things that are easy, that take little effort can make an enormous difference to the recipient.

I do not know why we are here. I do not have an amazing insight into life. I do know that while we are here – it makes sense to enjoy ourselves. Being kind is fun.

What kindness have you done recently?

What kindness will you do today?


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