Computer says No.

Still can’t pay the charge for the Dartford Crossing.

Summer is officially over in the mountain hideaway. Mrs L is back to school. No pupils as yet, but the preparation has begun. I’ve taken her return to work as the trigger to get get out of holiday mode. When you work for yourself, you’re never really on holiday, but during the summer, I generally have less on, and I leave discretionary stuff until the return. I also start paying more attention to health and lifestyle. Summer is not cocktails for breakfast, but there are certainly more kebabs and beers than are good for my waistline. Dog walks are suspended for the heat, but as we move into September, the mornings are a little cooler, so the hounds and I are making the effort to get out.

I’ve been putting more effort into social marketing for the businesses, so below are the obligatory links.

Nero’s Notes












Nero’s, as a business to customer company, is a more natural fit with social media - and in the first month where I’ve refocused on marketing the business, I’ve seen a significant uplift in business. Lime has never had a strong media presence, so my initial targets are increasing reach and building audience. The channels are the standard “old” ones. I’m not sure I’m quite ready for Tik Tok yet.

I’m not a huge fan of social media on a personal level, so I’m using an intermediary  service to set up posts, Buffer. The process is as follows:

  1. Log in to Buffer online (I keep Lime and Nero’s in separate accounts).
  2. I’ve already set up posting schedules (days and times)
  3. I write posts for each channel, add links and photos.
  4. A free account at Buffer allows for three channels and ten scheduled posts per channel. No analytics are included.
  5. For $5 per channel per month (paid annually) then scheduling limits are effectively removed and access to analytics granted. (There are more benefits too - which I’ll gradually explore.)
  6. Once a week then, I log in and schedule posts ahead. For the moment it’s all pretty basic, but I’ll tweak to the posting schedule per channel as I begin to understand more what works and what doesn’t.
  7. Each day, I swing by each channel to see if there have been any comments or questions that I need to respond to - and I allow myself a few minutes to scroll feeds and engage a little. Thus far, I’ve not been sucked into doom scrolling.

That’s it.

As I write - Meta are trying to sort out my accounts. All my apps allow me to chop and change between accounts, but apparently my personal account is not an admin on all of them - meaning that Shopify can’t talk to Meta.

Oh what fun.

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