Christmas 2022

Blimey. Christmas time already.

I’m writing this in early December, with the football World Cup in full swing. A fitting metaphor for the year, I think. The UK is lousy with strikes, with some talking about a winter of discontent. Soldiers, as underpaid as any, may be giving up their Christmases to cover for other public service workers who feel moved to strike. People will know that I’m a long way from a socialist, but the reality is that since 2008, the rich have got richer, while the rest have got poorer. Quite apart from being unfair, that is unsustainable.

In 2023, the country needs to get back on track, and the government to start building a country of which all can be proud.

Enough though of serious matters. This is the last post of 2022. I’m still writing, and will have posts queued for January, but come the 20th of December, I’m taking some time off. I’ll eat, drink and be merry. Walk the dogs, play golf, go out for days with Mrs L.

For a few reasons, 2022 has been challenging. I’m tired. Ready for a break. I want to rest and recharge. I get the feeling that we all need to do that to a certain extent.

So - thank you for reading, especially if you’re a subscriber. I’m really grateful for your support. Have a wonderful holiday, whether that be Christmas or something else. Spend time with your loved ones. Find some time to look after yourself.

See you in 2023.

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