Ben Adams. Living the Dream - Writing


An Author’s Life

The link above will take you to the blog of Ben Adams, a very dear friend of mine.

Well actually, not a very dear friend. We have never actually met.

Dashingly handsome though isn’t he?

I stole the picture from his website – so he is doubtless lining up a cohort of solicitors to take me for every penny I’ve got.

We might have swapped the odd blog comment, or even twatted each other – sorry, I think that should read “tweeted each other” – but Ben is fast becoming a mentor to me.

He has done it, you see. He has written a book and published it. I know he has actually sold some, because I bought one. Counting his Mum and the ones he bought himself, he must be in double figures now at least.

Don’t tell anyone – but it is actually pretty good. Buy the Kindle version here

A couple of months ago, Ben took the huge step of resigning a perfectly good job to focus on being a writer.


He is soon to publish another novel! That will put him ahead of Harper Lee in terms of output at least.

How envious am I?

He’s living the dream. He is writing. He has all the time in the world to sit there and write – to immerse himself in his characters, writing darlings, WRITING!

Whereas I, I, …. I, …oh wait a minute….I’m not working much either am I?

What he is doing, is knuckling down, eliminating excuses and making time to do what he wants to do – Writing.

He has established a routine and got on with it.


Must dash – I have a novel to write!